FemtoSci develops and utilizes FemtoSci (TM) functionalized diamond nanoparticle technologies to produce products as additives for enhanced thermal and mechanical performance of liquids and solids.
FemtoSci also generates new technologies, sensors and products for operation in extreme environments and applications (e.g., high and low temperature, pressure, radiation, etc.) where no other, or limited, capability currently exists. -scroll down for more-
Copyright 2013-2025; All rights reserved; FemtoSci is a service mark / trade mark of International FemtoScience, Inc.
Origin of Our Name
The essence of all things electronic, power and energy related is the electron - its manipulation and management.
This takes place at the subatomic level at the femtometer scale, a dimension one million times smaller than nano, the dimensional domain of electrons.
We conduct research, development and derive applications for advanced technology in innovative manipulation of the electron and at that scale, in all media, gas (vacuum), liquid, and solids. These actions lead to extreme performance electronics, sensors, power systems, energy storage and power management, biological femtosystems and other highly advanced technologies.
Summary of Application Areas
Diamond is the hardest material known, making it immune to intense radiation displacement damage and other environmental threats; it has a high thermal conductivity (5X better than copper) enabling innovative heat management, and it has a wide band-gap. These unique properties enable additives for enhanced materials and provides electronic device designs with minimal thermal effects, operating at very high temperatures (500 degrees C and more), as well as low temperatures.
FemtoSci develops and utilizes deaggretaged functionalized nanoDiamond (nD) particles in its products to enhance the thermal, mechanical and electrical properties of liquid and solid materials. Two major application areas include enhancing the thermal conductivity of transformer oils and that of plastics and polymers.
FemtoSci also specializes in developing and producing unique and innovative sensors/detectors and microelectronic components, devices, circuits and systems for extreme environments, such as high temperature, radiation, or pressure; the utilization of CVD diamond is often the enabling technology.